Why Sod

Sod allows you to transform your yard from bare dirt to a beautiful lush lawn in only hours.


  • Firstly, sod enhances your property
  • Moreover, it raises property value.
  • Additionally, sod controls soil erosion
  • It also helps control dust.
  • Furthermore it absorbs noise.
  • Not only that, but it cleans & cools the air.
  • Lastly, generates oxygen.
For the homeowner sod is the finishing detail that turns a house under construction into inviting home & yard.
For the business owner, sod says that you are open & ready for business.

Sod vs. Seed?

As a professional sod nursery farm, we know about seeding a lawn.

At first glance, seeding a lawn appears to be less costly than purchasing mature nursery grown sod. 

There are a few things to take into consideration before taking on the seeding of a lawn. 
Starting with good soil preparation & premium seed is essential.  Seeding the lawn is the easy part. However, a seeded lawn can take up to 2 years or more to fully establish itself. 

The initial 2 years following seeding is labour intensive.  The new seed bed is open season to birds, wind and weeds.  During the initial stages the newly seeded lawn will require constant care to keep it weed free and many times require reseeding of areas.  There should be no foot or equipment traffic on the seeded lawn during the establishing time. Needless to say there is a lot more to ‘seeding’ a lawn than meets the eye. 

Sod is less expensive in the long run.  The site needs to be properly prepped for drainage & good quality topsoil put in place, followed by installing mature turf grass, watered well and you have an ‘instant lawn’!  Top quality peat sod is an excellent choice based on its performance during and after installation.  Peat Sod retains moisture making the transplant less stressful on the plants.  The new sod will require some extra care for the first few weeks, until it is rooted and established in its new home.  One of the biggest differences between seed and sod is the ability to actually enjoy & use your yard in a shorter time frame.

A sodded lawn is ready for you to enjoy within weeks versus the couple of years a seeded lawn needs to establish itself.

A beautiful lush lawn is more affordable than you think! Call us today for a quote.

Pictures are worth a thousand words.

A seeded lawn is usable in approximately 2 years.

A sod lawn is usable within a few weeks.

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